A project to bring phone contacts into Obsidian as markdown files, converting vCard (.vcf) files exported from phones or Google Contacts into nicely formatted notes. By storing contacts as markdown, users can take better notes about people they meet and maintain richer context around relationships, while keeping everything in their Obsidian vault. The tool uses customizable templates and handles contact details like names, phones, emails, addresses and even contact photos, making contact information easily searchable and editable within Obsidian's ecosystem.
An ongoing effort to get a fully functional android phone embedded into an iFrame in a browser, with as little latency as possible. Note: post in progress!
This idea spawned from my hatred and eternal frustration with Zoom. It's just always a pain to deal with; screen share often just doesn't work right, the UI glitches out, audio is a mess and very inconsistent, and it eats up system resources and is probably doing mysterious things behind the scenes intruding on privacy. There's a solution though: use Zoom in your browser, only, always, ever! Zoom provides an option to join in the browser, given that you reject their popups to open in desktop, and then click through a chain of links to open in the browser. My solution: a browser extension to redirect Zoom links directly to browser Zoom.
Using OpenAI's's API I've made it possible to literally import anything "from everything"! Any function you can imagine, dynamically generated at runtime, accessible with a simple import. When you import <anything> from everything, my project uses Python's AST to scan your source, and find all usages of <anything>. It then will merge a few lines of context on both sides of every function call, along with the call itself. Then, it will use OpenAI's gpt-4o model to generate a Python function, which you can then use in your code.
For Case Western's 2024 hackathon two friends and I built a webapp for locating free food on our campus. We used a fine tuned OpenAI model to read all events from our university's event management system and determined whether they had food, of what type, and to generate other metadata. We then displayed this data on a appealing MUI-React UI, and set up a deployment at free-cwru-food.404wolf.com! We added various additional features like a calendar integration, and have continued to improve the site.
Coin-sort-bot is a physical robot that I co-designed and wrote software for to automatically align and sort coins based on their physical features like year, date, and mint location. It is designed mostly with fusion360 for CAD and Python driver software, and is an IOT device that connects to a separate Django webserver. It is still in development, and currently has a basic 3d printed prototype and driver software to control the hardware.
How I made my website, and an overview of all its unique features, including an integrated what-you-see-is-what-you-get markdown viewer, and fully featured Obsidian plugin. I explain my stack choice, how the posts are managed, and present my custom in-site editor. I also talk briefly about some specific struggles when building the website, like creating a good backup protocol and getting my markdown to parse properly and in a very specific way.
A remarkable tablet is a digital paper replacement: an e-ink screen tablet with a stylus. To prevent dependency on the proprietary tools of Remarkable, I decided to develop a simple script to automatically recreate the directory structure of the tablet, including both the original .rm proprietary binary file format files, and rendered PDF files.
Conglomeration, obstreperous, mercurial, preantepenultimate, rapacious, verisimilitude. For some, it's coins—for me, words. Over the past year, I've fastidiously curated those with intriguing meanings, idyllic spellings, eccentric pronunciations, and compelling origins, bolstering my lexicon and piquing my logophilia. It's been an engrossing use of free-time tranches, and a process as delightful as the product.
For many, it's a sandbox for creativity, and a haven for ingenuity. And yeah, it is that. But for me a few years back, it was much much more: it was a lucrative business opportunity. At the time, I had first entered the realm of Minecraft-username-trading. A corner of the internet dedicated to buying/selling accounts with cool names for exorbitant prices. But what caught my eye was a niche of the niche: username-sniping—using bots to 'snipe' accounts with cool (and valuable) usernames right as they become available. Though it sounded simple, it turned out to be an intense, competitive game of tactic.
With the goal of learning how to code some basic Arduino, I fell down the deep rabbit hole of automated gardening. After setting up a simple strawberry watering apparatus in my closet, I began upscaling, up until some mold related challenges prompted a shift to basil hydroponics. Weekly pesto became the norm, and it was smooth sailing until the perennial crop passed its prime. And after such great success with basil, I've now stumbled upon the less successful crop of Shishito Peppers. Here I discuss the research process and many of the pitfalls of my journey, along with many of the things I learned along the way and tips for other aspiring closet gardeners.
NATuG (Nucleic Acid Tube Grapher) was an academic research project I undertook in my senior year that's a Python3-based desktop application designed to streamline the DNA nanotube design process. It's one of my most extensive projects, involving a complex and dynamic UI that lets users visualize DNA nanotube shapes, weave together strands of DNA with cross-strand exchanges, set and export sequences, and more. Here I discuss what the program does, a bit about how it works, and how I got involved.